We can't wait to move with you! barre3 New Albany is hosting a FREE 60-minute signature class which is a total-body workout that delivers remarkable results from the inside out. Class will be hosted outdoors on the grass at Wexner Park on Saturday, August 26th at 9:30AM. Bring your yoga mat, water bottle, and wear something comfortable to move in - and we'll deliver an amazing workout!
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
Wexner Park - New Albany, Ohio
Emilyjo Levy
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Printed courtesy of www.newalbanychamber.com/ – Contact the New Albany Chamber of Commerce for more information.
PO Box 202, New Albany, OH 43054 – (614) 855-4400 – info@newalbanychamber.com