We invite you to join us for a presentation and discussion on the Science & Impact of Addiction: Community Support. There has been a long history of negative stigma associated with substance abuse and addiction, and we hope to begin to change that by talking about it in our community. No one is immune to addiction. Overall, about 20 million Americans (approximately 7.4% of Americans aged 12 or older) meet the criteria for a substance use disorder. That equates to about twice the total population of the state of Ohio.
Free to attend. Registration appreciated but not required, but space is limited.
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Healthy New Albany
150 W Main St., New Albany, OH 43054
Free to Attend
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Printed courtesy of www.newalbanychamber.com/ – Contact the New Albany Chamber of Commerce for more information.
PO Box 202, New Albany, OH 43054 – (614) 855-4400 – info@newalbanychamber.com