Symposium - Christian Courage in a Post-Christian World
“Courage is in even shorter supply than genius.” Peter Thiel
The need for courage is tremendous in our time, particularly for Christians. False ideologies, widely held, pressure us to conform to the world. Basic, essential truths are now risky to speak aloud, and we are tempted to keep our heads down. And so, New Albany Presbyterian Church is hosting a symposium called “Christian Courage in a Post-Christian World.”
Aaron Renn and Andrew Brunson will speak. Mr. Renn is a Christian writer, speaker and thinker. He is a Senior Fellow at American Reformer, a former Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and will publish his first book this year called Life in the Negative World.
Pastor Brunson is an ordained teaching elder in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and along with his wife Norine was a missionary in Turkey for many years. In 2016, he was suddenly accused by the police of being a subversive to the Turkish government, arrested and jailed. Pastor Brunson spent 18 months in prison, unsure if he would ever be released.
Both have something to say to the church about how to live more faithfully and courageously in our time. Come and hear Aaron Renn and Andrew Brunson as we learn together what it means to have Christian Courage in a Post-Christian World.”
Cost is $25 per person to attend this event. Click-here to reserve your spot today.
Childcare will be provided for this event free of charge for children newborn through 2nd grade (8 years old). Please indicate if you need childcare on the registration form.

Date and Time
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
New Albany Presbyterian Church
5885 East Dublin Granville Road
New Albany, OH 43054
$25 per person
Contact Information
Karla Muzi
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