PBJ Connections, Inc.
Physical TherapyCounseling ServicesHealth Services
8AM-8PM Monday-Friday
Driving Directions:
From New Albany, go west on State Route 161. Exit on Mink Road and turn left. Go about a mile and turn right on Jug St. NW. We are about 1 1/2 miles on the left in a house set close to the road.
About Us
Our Mission: To provide professional behavioral health therapy to children, adults and families through horses, counseling and nature.
Our Vision
PBJ Connections will be the Central Ohio leading provider of equine assisted psychotherapy and other innovative behavioral health services. Our experience and venues will evolve to meet the changing needs of the community. We will develop sustainable partnerships and connections to continue serving clients, regardless of their ability to pay. PBJ Connections will maintain a professional quality of care with high ethical standards.
Our Values
Welcoming – We welcome people from all walks of life.
Caring – We are here to care about our community, our clients, our staff and our horses.
Adaptive – We adjust to the needs of the community and our clients.
Responsive – We are here to serve.
Inclusive – We work to provide culturally competent care, and when we don’t know we learn.
We provide:
Diagnostic assessments to provide the best possible treatment.
A team approach in collaboration with parents, schools and referral sources.
Scholarships for those who do not have adequate insurance coverage or other funding.
Eagala-model equine assisted psychotherapy services to children, adults and families.
Office-based behavioral health services to children, adults and families.
High-quality and evidence-informed mental health services with highly trained therapists.
A minimal waiting list.
Corporate and Team Training
Video Media
- CONNECT Program-individual and family Eagala-model equine assisted psychotherapy
- A PONY Program-Eagala-model equine assisted psychotherapy leadership groups
- Family Coaching-Eagala-model family improvement work
- Expressive Arts Groups-therapeutic art groups for teens and adults
- Office therapy, Veterans programming, and wellness programming